(-) |
(+) |
$sql[0] = "select no_id,stardate,subject,location from ".$dbprefix."log where status='1' order by no_id desc";
if (! $res[0]=mysql_query($sql[0], $dbh)) { echo mysql_error(); return 0; }
while ($row[0] = mysql_fetch_array($res[0])) {
echo " Stardate: ".$row[0][1]." ";
echo "".$row[0][2]." at ".$row[0][3]." ";
} ?> |
if ($txtlog) {
$sql[1] = "select no_id,subject,stardate,location,contents from ".$dbprefix."log where status='1' and no_id='".$txtlog."'";
if (! $res[1]=mysql_query($sql[1], $dbh)) { echo mysql_error(); return 0; }
while ($row[1] = mysql_fetch_array($res[1])) {
echo " ".$row[1][1]." ";
$title = $row[1][1];
echo "Stardate: ".$row[1][2]." Location: ".$row[1][3]." ";
echo "".$row[1][4];
} else {
echo "Choose from the Log Entries on the left panel to open a Log.
Send your Captain's Log and Report to webmaster[at]indo-startrek.org";
$url = (!empty($_SERVER['HTTPS'])) ? "https://".$_SERVER['SERVER_NAME'].$_SERVER['REQUEST_URI'] : "http://".$_SERVER['SERVER_NAME'].$_SERVER['REQUEST_URI']; ?>